Wawa Stock Watcher : playing with currencies... and Android.
How did it start ?
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to buy ETH at low cost.
Of course, I sold them too early (or too late)... but I made small profit anyway. :p
Building on this experience, I decided to write a basic Android
What is it ?
Here is the link : http://www.wawaseb.com/tmp/wsw_beta04.apk
As Google does charge you 25€ for being on the store and as I don't want to use FCM (previously known as Google Cloud Messaging), I would probably be banned because of messing with Doze.
You can monitor ETH, BTC and XRP, select your convenient frequencies and define alerts (vibrations / sounds).
I know, it's still not perfect (at all ?!) and similar apps may probably have already been done in a better way (if so, please send me the references), but it's also lot of fun for me and... a good way to practice.
Few pictures
Toasted again :)
Open source ?
Github : https://github.com/wawaseb/wswWays of improvement include other currencies like $, other brokers, or portability to iOS.
Please, keep in mind that I'm just a passionate busy n00b.
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